United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida

By Minh N. Vu

United States District Judge Virginia Covington of the Middle District of Florida recently held that serial plaintiffs (Denise Payne and Access for the Disabled) who had reached a voluntary settlement with the defendant in an ADA Title III case were not entitled to attorneys’ fees and costs because the court neither retained jurisdiction of the case
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By Minh N. Vu

The Florida federal courts may be getting tired of the boilerplate complaints filed by serial plaintiffs with dubious standing.  In Palo v. GM Esplanade, LLC et al. (Case No. 2:12-cv-00103-JES-SPC), United States District Judge John Steele dismissed a lawsuit filed by an allegedly disabled plaintiff who claimed to have visited a shopping mall, said he intended
Continue Reading Florida Federal Courts Taking the Initiative to Dismiss Boilerplate Complaints of ADA Title III Serial Plaintiffs