This morning, on Global Accessibility Awareness Day, DOJ participated by issuing its Spring 2016 unified agenda, including upcoming regulatory actions on web accessibility and movie captioning.

Click on the links to the right in the bullets below for the lowdown on each rule, but here are a few highlights:

AA65: State and Local Government web accessibility regulations.  No need
Continue Reading On Global Accessibility Awareness Day, DOJ Releases Agenda Indicating Progress in 2016; Omits Title III

By John W. Egan 

As we have previously reported, the Department of Justice issued proposed regulations this summer that would require movie theaters to show movies with closed captioning and audio description.  DOJ has requested public comment on a number of issues related to these proposed regulations. 

The period for providing public comments on this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
Continue Reading Comment Period for Movie Captioning NPRM Extended to December 1, 2014

By John W. Egan

On July 25, 2014, the Department of Justice (DOJ) issued proposed regulations that would require movie theaters with digital screens to show movies with closed captioning and audio description.  We covered this development here.

DOJ has requested public comment on a number of issues related to these proposed regulations, including whether closed captioning and audio
Continue Reading Comment Period for Movie Captioning NPRM Opens Today