Seyfarth Synopsis: A recently-filed lawsuit contains a lengthy critical report by a digital accessibility consultant of accessibility issues created by an accessibility widget.

Amidst the thousands of lawsuits filed over the past few years alleging business’ websites and mobile apps are not accessible to blind individuals, businesses have scrambled to find ways to make their websites and apps accessible.  Often
Continue Reading Criticisms of “Quick-Fix” Website Accessibility Products Highlighted in New Lawsuit

By Minh N. Vu and Kristina Launey

Seyfarth Synopsis: We predict 2021 will be a very busy year for ADA Title III lawsuits.  Here is our take on the types of cases public accommodations can expect to face.

2020 was, by all accounts, an unusual year.  The year began with some prolific plaintiffs’ attorneys turning their attention from website accessibility
Continue Reading Crystal Ball 2021: Our Predictions for the ADA Title III Legal Landscape