Seyfarth Synopsis:  The Ninth Circuit holds that the ADA does not require a 36 inch length of clear sales counter space when the entire counter provided for all customers is at an accessible height.

When a business provides only one sales counter for all customers to use and that entire counter is at an accessible height of 36 inches or
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Seyfarth Synopsis:  DOJ provides guidance on sales/service counter rules in the 2010 Standards that provides some relief to businesses.

Retailers and other businesses should be pleased with the DOJ’s pronouncement on February 25, 2019, that they can lawfully provide sales/service counter space that is less than 36” long, as long as the entire space is at an accessible height of
Continue Reading Justice Department: Businesses Can Provide Less Than 36″ Of Clear Sales/Service Counter Space If Counter Is At An Accessible Height

By Minh N. Vu and Kristina M. Launey

Now that we are all back in work mode, we thought it would be useful to take a quick look at some of the major ADA Title III trends and highlights of 2013 and how they will impact the coming year.   

Digital Accessibility.  We saw a definitive uptick in the number of
Continue Reading THE ADA TITLE III YEAR IN REVIEW: Trends, Hot Topics, and What's In Store for 2014

By: Mary Kay Klimesh

On November 7, 2013, from 2:30 – 4:00 p.m. (ET), the U.S. Access Board will hold a webinar addressing accessible surfaces for playgrounds. The Access Board has developed accessibility guidelines (available at for newly constructed and altered play areas. During this webinar, Access Board staff and a representative from the National Center on Accessibility
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