By Minh N. Vu and John W. Egan

Seyfarth Synopsis: The U.S. Access Board published an ANPRM on September 21, 2022 requesting public comment on nine questions as it prepares draft regulations addressing the accessibility of self-service kiosks.

As previewed in the Spring 2022 Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions (the “Agenda”) (as we previously covered), the U.S.

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Disabled sign pinned on cork noticeboard

Seyfarth Synopsis:  Recent guidance from the U.S. Access Board makes it more difficult for businesses to argue that the Accessible Icon constitutes “equivalent facilitation” under the ADA, even though jurisdictions such as New York and Connecticut require the use of this alternative disability access symbol.

As we previously reported, New York State and more recently, Connecticut, passed legislation
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By Chris Palamountain

Over a year after beginning the effort, the Access Board’s Medical Diagnostic Equipment Accessibility Standards Advisory Committee ended 2013 by issuing its final report on accessibility standards for medical equipment.  This report comments on and recommends technical requirements to ensure the accessibility of certain types of medical equipment to persons with disabilities.  The report covers a wide
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By: Mary Kay Klimesh

On November 7, 2013, from 2:30 – 4:00 p.m. (ET), the U.S. Access Board will hold a webinar addressing accessible surfaces for playgrounds. The Access Board has developed accessibility guidelines (available at for newly constructed and altered play areas. During this webinar, Access Board staff and a representative from the National Center on Accessibility
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Interested in a free primer or refresher on ADA Title III requirements to ensure your restaurant or cafeteria is accessible?  If so, tune in to the Access Board’s April 4 webinar on the topic.  For more information and registration, go to
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By Kristina M. Launey

As noted during our Healthcare webinar last week, the accessibility of drug labels accessible is on the Administration’s agenda.  Yesterday the Access Board announced that the stakeholder working group it organized to develop best practices for making drug labels accessible will hold its first public meeting January 10 and 11 in Washington, D.C., to explore best
Continue Reading Title III Healthcare News: Access Board Announces First Meeting of Working Group on Accessible Drug Labels

By Minh N. Vu

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act directed the U.S. Access Board to develop standards for medical diagnostic equipment that is accessible to people with disabilities. To assist in the development of a final rule on this topic, the Board created an Advisory Committee composed of various stakeholders.  The Equal Rights Center, a disability advocacy organization
Continue Reading Equal Rights Center Named a Member of U.S. Access Board’s Medical Equipment Advisory Committee