By Minh N. Vu

Seyfarth Synopsis:  One of the most famous accessibility lawsuits of all time finally settles before trial under terms that may never be known.

After six hard-fought years in litigation at every level of the federal judicial system — including the Supreme Court — the parties in what may be the most famous website accessibility lawsuit of
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By John W. Egan

Seyfarth Synopsis: Businesses are defending record numbers of ADA Title III cases every year.  A recent decision in New York underscores the challenges business face when ADA plaintiffs are more interested in protracted litigation than settlement. 

The number of ADA Title III lawsuits filed annually has increased more than 300 percent in the last five years. 
Continue Reading New York Judge Criticizes Plaintiff’s ADA Firm For Refusing to Discuss Early Settlement and Engaging in Fee-Churning Litigation Tactics

By Minh N. Vu and Paul H. Kehoe

The Department of Justice (DOJ) yesterday announced a settlement [here and here] with Peapod, the country’s leading internet grocery retailer and delivery service, concerning its website and mobile application.  The agreement exemplifies the DOJ’s continued focus on requiring public accommodations to ensure that their websites are accessible to individuals with
Continue Reading Justice Department Enters Into Another Website Accessibility Agreement

By Chris Palamountain

In the past three weeks, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has announced settlements with three different health-service providers (of dentistry, pain management, eating-disorder treatment, and addiction treatment) concerning access to services for persons with HIV.  The DOJ pursued each settlement under its Barrier-Free Health Care Initiative, designed to enforce health care providers’ and facilities’ compliance with
Continue Reading Justice Department Requires Treatment Facilities to Adopt Policies For Accommodating Persons with HIV