By Minh N. Vu

Seyfarth SynopsisSerious sanctions imposed on a serial ADA Title III plaintiff and his attorney should concern the plaintiffs’ bar.

People often ask us why plaintiffs are filing hundreds of ADA Title III lawsuits when the law only allows for injunctive relief and attorneys’ fees and costs.  In the case of prolific plaintiff Alexander Johnson,
Continue Reading Florida Judge Sanctions Serial ADA Plaintiff Alexander Johnson and Attorney Scott Dinin

Seyfarth Synopsis:  An executive order from President Trump will likely halt the Justice Department’s public accommodations website rulemaking.

President Obama’s Department of Justice (DOJ) had stated that proposed regulations for public accommodations websites would be issued in 2018—eight years after the agency began its rulemaking process.  The likelihood of such a proposed regulation being issued now is virtually non-existent.

Continue Reading Executive Order Likely Dooms Website Regulations for Public Accommodations

Seyfarth Synopsis:  The number of federal ADA Title III lawsuits continue to surge, fueled by new plaintiffs, new plaintiffs’ lawyers, and website accessibility claims.

Our 2016 lawsuit count is complete, and the results no less remarkable than prior years.  In 2016, 6,601 ADA Title III lawsuits were filed in federal court — 1,812 more than in 2015. This 37 percent
Continue Reading ADA Title III Lawsuits Increase by 37 Percent in 2016

Our research department has crunched the numbers from the federal court docket and the verdict is that the ADA Title III plaintiff’s bar and their clients are still busy filing lawsuits.  Here are the findings:

  • In 2015, 4,789 ADA Title III lawsuits were filed in federal court, as compared to 4,436 in 2014.  That 8% increase is modest compared to

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We’ve done the review and crunched the numbers:  It appears that the surge of ADA Title III lawsuits we saw from 2013 to 2014 is holding strong, though possibly leveling off.


You may recall that there was a 60% increase in the number of ADA Title III lawsuits between 2013 and 2014 (2479 vs. 4436).  In the first six months
Continue Reading ADA Title III Lawsuit Numbers Hold Steady for First Half of 2015

readingOur ADA Title III Team lawsuit data has been cited in another publication, Shopping Centers Today.  The article, published yesterday, “Landlords grapple with more ADA lawsuits“, also featured discussion by our ADA Title III Team leader, Minh Vu, of the possibility and need for legislative or regulatory reform to offer business relief from the increasing numbers of Title
Continue Reading Shopping Centers Today Publication Features Seyfarth's ADA Title III Lawsuit Data and Insight From Team Leader Minh Vu

By Minh N. Vu

We are pleased to report that The Economist took an interest in our research which showed a 63% surge in the number of ADA Title III lawsuits filed in 2014.  The Economist published an article (to come out in the print edition on April 25) entitled “Hobbling businesses: A law designed to help people with disabilities
Continue Reading The Economist Highlights Seyfarth's ADA Title III Lawsuit Data

By Minh N. Vu and Susan Ryan

In August 2014, we reported that the number of ADA Title III lawsuits filed against public accommodations rose by nearly 9% in 2013 over 2012. At that time, we predicted that there could be a 40% increase in the number of lawsuits filed in 2014 based on 6 months of data. Now that
Continue Reading ADA Title III Lawsuits Surge by More than 63%, to Over 4400, In 2014

By Minh Vu, Kristina Launey, and Susan Ryan

If you had a suspicion that the Title III plaintiffs have been far more active in recent years, you were right.  Our review of the federal docket shows that there was a 9% increase in the number of lawsuits filed from 2012 to 2013. What’s more, the number of lawsuits
Continue Reading 2014 May Be a Banner Year for ADA Title III Lawsuit Filings

By Kevin A. Fritz

A law firm that filed more than 100 class actions from early 2012 through 2013 is scratching that ADA itch again with new Title III class suits.  Since January of this year, the firm filed seven new lawsuits on behalf of one plaintiff.  Each lawsuit alleges that the defendants’ bank branches, located throughout Pennsylvania, are inaccessible
Continue Reading Bank Branches Sued Again in a Second Round of Title III Class Suits