Seyfarth Synopsis: The ADA Title III team launches the second installment of its 3-part video series containing 30 tips for businesses on how to better serve individuals with disabilities. This video covers reasonable modifications to normal policies, practices and procedures.

Take a look at Part 2 of our video series!

If you enjoyed Part 1 of ADA 30:  30 Tips for 30 Years video, you are in for a treat because our attorneys worked hard to make Part 2 even more entertaining – while still providing you useful tips.  This video addresses the obligation of businesses to make reasonable modifications to their policies, practices, and procedures to ensure access to their goods, services, and privileges by individuals with disabilities and contains tips about service animals, miniature horses, emergency evacuations, event ticketing, hotel reservations, food allergies, non-traditional mobility devices, and so much more.

An audio description of Part 2 is available here.

We hope you enjoy the video and maybe learn something new.